Documents relating to the early years of the Revolt of the Netherlands

cited by François le Petit 1559-1579

Alistair Duke

François le Petit , La Grande Chronique … de Hollande, Zélande, West-Frise, Utrecht, Frise, Overyssel & Groeningen jusques à la fin de l’an 1600 (2 vols, Dordrecht, 1601), II [Books 1-11] 1-392 covering the years 1559-1579.


2-3 April Principal terms of Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, Le Petit, II, p. 19

December Persecution of French Protestants, [1] Le Petit, II,p. 20


11 March Orange, Egmont and Horn write to King, [2] Le Petit, II,p. 47

6 June King’s reply to Orange, Egmont and Horn, [3] Le Petit, II,p. 47

29 July [4] Response of Orange, Egmont and Horn to King, [5] Le Petit, II, p. 47


Extract from Francois Baudouin, Discours sur le faict de la reformation de l’Eglise , [6] Le Petit, II,76-89


17-20 October Extract from King’s letters to Regent from Segovia, Le Petit, II, 50

18 December Regent’s letter to Provincial Governors, [7] Le Petit, II, 51


1566 Plans to convert Low Countries into a monarchy, [8] Le Petit II, p. 90

1566 Extract from Vraye Narration , [9] Le Petit, II, 141-160

24 January Orange’s letter to Regent, [10] Le Petit, II, 51-53

3 February Regent’s reply to Orange, [11] Le Petit, II, 53

Spring Request from Brabant to King re anti-heresy edict, Le Petit, II, 93-101

5 April Brederode’s speech when he presented the Petition, Le Petit, II, 103

8 April Regent’s Response to Nobles’ Request, Le Petit, II, 105

9 April Regent’s letter to provincial governors, [12] Le Petit, II, 105-106

July Protestants in Low Countries seek protection of Compromise, Le Petit, II, 107

18 July Response of Nobles at Duffel to Regent, Le Petit, II, 107-110

July? Request of Reformed to Antwerp magistrates for place to hold their services, Le Petit, II, 111

July? Clarification for Regent of Responses of Nobles, Le Petit, II, 113-15

21 July Regent’s Letter to Towns, Le Petit, II, 115-16

1 August King’s letter to Orange, [13] Le Petit, 126

18 August 1 st Letter from Alava (Paris) to Regent re government of LC, Le Petit, II, 126-28

25 August Regent’s Letter to Nobles of Compromise, Le Petit, II, 120-21

25 August Undertaking given by leading members of Compromise to Regent, Le Petit, II, 121-22.

August? Extracts from letters from King to Regent, Le Petit, II, 122-23

August? Ministers in Antwerp ask for places to hold their services, Le Petit, II, 124

29 August 2 nd Letter from Alava (Paris) to Regent, Le Petit, II, 128-29


18 January Request from Reformed in Amsterdam to Orange, [14] Le Petit, II, 137.


18 January Summons issued by King against Orange, Le Petit, II, p. 170-71

16 [15] February Netherlanders allegedly condemned by Inquisition for high treason, Le Petit, II, 174-75

3 March Orange’s letter to Alba, [16] Le Petit, II, 173-74

23 March Orange’s rebuttal of charges, Le Petit, II, 171-73

April Orange’s Justification, Le Petit, II, 176-91

April? Extracts from Hoogstraten’s Defence, [17] Le Petit, II, 191-94

28 May Floris van Pallant’s residence in Brussels torn down [18] Le Petit, II, 176

5 June Egmont’s letter to the King at his execution, Le Petit, II, 200-01


9 December Request of Princes and Cities of Germany to the Emperor about persecution in the Low Countries, [19] Le Petit, II, 214-18


September? Letter from States of West Friesland to Alkmaar, Le Petit, II, 259-60

1 September Letter of Sonoy to magistrates of Alkmaar, Le Petit, II, 259


23 January Requesens’ instructions to Julian Romero for relief of Middelburg, Le Petit, II, 272-73

c.3 February Letter Middelburg urging Requesens to relieve town, Le Petit, II, 275

18 February Terms of Middelburg’s surrender to Orange, [20] Le Petit, II, 276-77

July? Response of States of Holland to peace proposals, Le Petit, II, 280-81

July? [21] Request of States of Holland to King about peace proposals, Le Petit, II, 281-82

Late August Junius’ letter to Champagney, Le Petit, II, 282-3


6 September States of Brabant invite other provinces to consider how to rid country of Spanish soldiers, Le Petit, II, 311-12

8 November Pacification of Ghent, Le Petit, II, 318-21


10 January Union of Brussels, Le Petit, II, 316

April Extracts from letters of Escoveda, Don John and Antonio Pérez, Le Petit, II, 335-337.

July Extracts from letters of Don John with German colonels concerning Don John’s schemes to seize control of Antwerp citadel, Le Petit, II, 320-21, 330, 332-33, 337.

26 July Extract from letter of Don John to the son of Adrien d’Oignies S r de Willerval, Le Petit, II, 333.

1 August Letter of Willem van Bloys van Treslong to Don John, Le Petit, II, 338

Autumn? States publish their justification [22] for taking up arms against Don John, Le Petit, II, 340-41


20 August [23] Anjou proclaimed as Defender of Liberties of Low Countries, Le Petit, II, 352

13-15 October Discussions between States of Hainaut and States of Tournai in Tournai about political situation in southern Netherlands, Le Petit, II, 370-71


23 January Union of Utrecht, Le Petit, II, 372-76.

30 March Letter of States of Lille, Douai and Orchies to States General, Le Petit, II, 367-8

6 April Treaty of Mont-Saint-Eloi, Le Petit, II, 366-67

7 April States of Artois, Hainaut and Lille, Douai and Orchies confirm treaty, Le Petit, II, 367

8 April Reply of States General to letter of 31 March, Le Petit, II, 369-70

12 September Treaty of Arras and Reconciliation with King, Le Petit, II, 382-83


[1] Le Petit alleges wrongly that ‘l’inquisition d’Espagne’ was then introduced into France.

[2] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr. 6743

[3] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr. 6745

[4] Le Petit misdates letter. Should be 29 July 1563

[5] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr, 6746

[6] USTC 2426

[7] See De correspondentie van Willem van Oranje nr. 10052

[8] Le Petit cites Marnix, Vraye narration et apologie des choses passées au Pays Ba s USTC 20682 and 4046 ; see Philips van Marnix van St. Aldegonde Godsdienstige en kerkelijke geschriften ed. J.J. Toorenenbergen, I, 46 .

[9] Vraye Narration , pp. 53 –

[10] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 321

[11] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 6777

[12] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 882

[13] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 10897

[14] Not found in De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, but see nr 13098

[15] Le Petit gives 26 February 1568.

[16] See De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 1194

[17] This included extracts from Statutes of Golden Fleece and Joyeuse Entrée of Brabant.

[18] The commemorative pillar erected on the site was dated 1568 5. Calen. Iunio.

[19] Possibly USTC 695051 Supplication an die Roem. Keys. Mayestaet. Item Chur und Fürsten unnd alle andere des hey. Roem. Reichs Staende auff dem Reichstage zu Speyer im October ubergeben . Belangende die grewliche unnd vergewaltigung der Niderlender sonderlich der Evangelischen so biß dahero geübet ynd noch unauffhoerlichen fuergenommen werden.

[20] Partially included in De correspondentie van Willem van Orange, nr 8865.

[21] See Bor, Oorspongk der Nederlandsche Beroerten , I, 534-35.

[22] S ommier discours des justes causes et raisons qu’ont constrainct les estats generaulx des Païs Bas, de pourveoir à leur deffence contre le seigneur don Jehan d’Austrice USTC 4081

[23] Usually dated as 13 August.